Wednesday, March 19, 2008

We're On Vacation!

Tuesday was the last day of work for Al and I before we head out tomorrow for vacation. I will go to Hearts at Home in the morning, run some errands afterwards and then we'll drive to Lake Oswego to meet JJ's Dad, David and his step Mom Jean, for dinner at Bridgeport. After dinner Al and I are spending some time at Coldwater Creek Spa to get fancied up for the cruise. Finally we leave for Fort Lauderdale Florida at 7:40 a.m. on Friday. The kids come later on the red eye. Then on Sunday, da datada, we board the Radience of the Seas ship for a warm, relaxing fun filled cruise to Cozumel, Grand Camen, Jamaica & Key West. Did I mention warm? I am excited! Summer clothes, pool time, beach time, tropical drinks, midnight buffets and WARM!!!! When the cruise is over, the kids head home and Al and I head to the Keys for 3 days. Al has always wanted to do a road trip down that long long highway thru the Keys so we decided to tack it on to our trip. We're staying in Key West and will do day trips from there. I will try to blog a couple of times while we're gone so check back for some pix of 6 warm tan people having lots of fun.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Wine Food & Shopping x 2. Mmmmmm!

Friday evening after work, Al and I headed out to McMinnville to SIP the annual wine & food festival. This year it was held at the Evergreen Air Museum, home of The Spruce Goose. Neither of us had ever been there before so we weren't sure what to expect. What we got was a great museum experience some good food and some fun shopping.
The museum houses Howard Hughes' flying boat, the Spruce Goose and a bunch of other aircraft. But the Goose is the centerpiece. I can't tell you how big it is except to say that it is way bigger than a 747. All of the other aircaft, the cafe and gift shop and the entire wine and food booths were all under the wings of the giant wooden boat/plane. If you haven't been out to the museum, take a trip out there. It really is a neat place. They also have an IMAX theater so you can make a day of it if you want.
Last Christmas, Al gave all 4 of our kids a relationship gift. He knows what each of them enjoy so he did a really cool little book with a coupon at then end, redeemable for a fishing trip for AJ roses and gardening for Jana, movies & more for JJ. Maryanne loves to shop but doesn't have a lot of extra money so Al gave her a day in Portland to shop till she dropped. The relationship part came in that Al got to spend time with each kid doing what they love. Isn't he a good Dad? Anyway, yesterday Al & MA had a field day. She got clothes for the cruise and work so she was thrilled. I tagged along for the ride but then shopped on my own so I wasn't in the way. I got some fun stuff as well. We all love Portland and it was a beautiful day so we felt very blessed.
Today, I stayed in bed reading the Oregonian and drinking my coffee while Al worked out in the yard. Maryanne's sister is here so they are out having fun together while AJ slaves away on school work. Al is now starting hour #2 on a nap so he'll be rarin' to go when he wakes up. I think we're going to run some errands. Going to church and Bible study on Saturday nights have given us a true Sabbath day of rest. We love it.

Friday, March 7, 2008


At dinner Wednesday night someone criticized us for not up-dating our blog.

So, I am up-dating it now.

Nothing is going on. Have a nice day.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

A new month

This is Al again. It is Sunday morning and I just finished my walk. If you have been following this blog you know I have been fighting this dreaded cold. I am 90% better. But Lori now is coming down with a cold. But my wife will pack in the vitamins, positive thoughts, and her laid back attitude and fight it off (plus she never complains; so who knows how she feels?).

This has been a tough couple of weeks for us. We have had a number of policyholders and friends pass away. Plus, we have friends who are fighting terrible diseases and issues. But we continue to believe in a God who knows all and is without doubt. He knows the beginning and the end and makes no mistakes. Though we grieve for a little while on this side, we will rejoice at His great wisdom and mercy on the other side.

I continue to work with men who struggle with life. In my journey I am learning skills that has brought me a peace that is beyond my understanding. So as Step 12 suggests I "pass it on" as part of my journey. It is so rewarding to see men find real answers to their addictions and worries. As I pray daily that we would be "living one day at a time. Enjoying one moment at a time. Accepting hardship as the pathway to peace. Taking, as He did, this sinful as it is, and not as I would have it". Living like this allows me to face reality each day, instead of living in an insane world. Here are some other areas I think and pray about most days:

"When I leave things in my head, little things get big, and big things get little". This encourages me to talk about my problems and issues (mostly with Lori or in my men's group).

"I listen to respond. I should listen to understand". I heard a 72 year old man in one of my groups say this. I had been praying for years that God would help me be a better listener. I like to hear myself talk way too much. So, I have been working on this. Though I will never be good at this, I have improved greatly.

"It is not about changing my circumstances. It is about changing me". Those of us who are addicted to our self-centeredness love to blame either our situation or another person for our struggles. We tend to run away from our circumstances, or try to control others involved in our circumstances, in order to not speak the truth that we are hurting, or scared, or angry, or sad. So when I am feeling those types of emotions, this statement reminds me to look inside first. With God's help I can take responsibility for me and let Him change me.

Anyway, I have a few dozen of these statements that I carry in my pocket as I walk most days.

So, how do you deal with your life? I would love to hear your comments. You know, "I am listening to understand" these days.