The guy in the blue shirt next to Al, founded the group 30 years ago. Al has been a member for 28 years. These guys are amazing in their comittment to memorizing God's Word. Al says this discipline has had more impact on his spiritual life than anything he's ever done. I admire them so much!
Last Thursday night we had all the guys and their spouses to our house for dinner. We had a great time! Yummy food, intense prayer for a wife with horrible cancer and then the guys dazzled us with the first 5 chapters of Revelation (these guys memorize huge chunks of the Bible, not just a verse here & there). Anyway, it was wonderful. I just closed my eyes and let their voices speak truth over me. I loved it.
The next morning, Al left for Colorado Springs for a church workshop on the "Externally Focused Church". He went with 2 of our Pastors and together they crafted a plan to help our church impact our community in greater ways. It was a really good experience and I think they plan to attend the follow-up in November.
The kids were at the beach all weekend so I had the house all to myself. Yea! I spent a great deal of time in my jammies, in bed, eating bad for me food, & watching chick flicks on DVD. Yes I did get the laundry and ironing done, cleaned out a couple of kitchen cabinets, and watered the 9 flower baskets that Al has placed around the yard. but my time was completely my own. It was refreshing and wonderful.
Steve Fowler, Rob Childs & Al in Colorado.
Happy Memorial Day! It's raining in Salem so picnics and outdoor fun are out for today. I think Al and I are meeting friends for dinner tonight so that will be our big celebration. This morning I got up long before Al. My cardinal rule is no dogs in my bed. Somehow I managed to enforce that rule for the entire weekend. However, when I went into the bedroom earlier this morning, this is what I found...bad dog! Bad Al!