Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Habitat for Humanity Trickery

The Recruiting Poster. Ha!

The families that will get a brand new house. They put in 500 hours of sweat equity.

The Gracia's new home.

This week, Habitat for Humanity is building 2 houses here in Salem. I was recruited to help in the hospitality tent...right up my alley. Of course I said yes to a 4 hour shift serving coffee and pizza, checking construction guys in & out and doing general hostessing duties. However, in reality, when you show up at a work site for Habitat, YOU WORK! My co-"hostess" and I pushed wheelbarrows around cleaning up after crazy messy construction workers. At first it wasn't too bad, just picking up papercups, empty boxes, and empty caulking tubes. We got the place looking extremely good. Then we found where the left over siding was thrown and our ordeal began. Did you know that siding is mage od concrete and that it's very heavy? Yikes! Being the psycho cleaner that I am (so was my partner) we worked to get every piece of siding picked up and thrown in the dumpster. Needless to say, I'm pooped! But it's a good pooped. Two dear families will have lovely homes and I had a tiny part in helping. If you ever get a chance to volunteer with Habitat, do it. They are amazing!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Meet Tucker

After we got home from the beach on Saturday, Don & Cheri headed to Vancouver WA to pick up their new baby. On their way back to Jefferson they stopped here to show us Tucker, an 8 week old purebred Sheltie. He's a tiny boy so he is not show quality. But because they only wanted him for a pet, they got a relatively good deal on him. He's a doll and even from the first, he was a gentleman and slept through the night. It will be fun to watch him grow up.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Is It Really The End of October?

It's hard to believe that we are approaching the first of November. Usually by now our days are dark and rainy and windy. Fall = blustery. However, we are enjoying spring-like whether here in the valley and even at the coast. This weekend, Don & Cheri Suklis celebrated their 23rd anniversary. It's been a challenging year for them but they have worked hard and can see a little light at the end of their very dark tunnel. On Friday the four of us headed over to Lincoln City for a couple of days of R&R. And we really did R&R. We did some shopping at the outlet mall and that was the extent of our vigorous activity. We took a long drive up the coast to some places we'd never been before and enjoyed some gorgeous Oregon scenery. We ate at the Pelican in Pacific City and then headed back to the house to watch a video of a comedian Don & Cheri discovered. His name is Jim Geffigan and his video is called "Beyond the Pale". He is very pale skinned, has extremely light strawberry blonde hair and light blue eyes- making the video title very appropo. He is also hilarious. Anyway, this morning Al got fresh donuts and we lazed around till lunch time when we headed to Mo's for clam chowder and garlic toast. Yum. After a run through Starbucks, we drove home and spent the rest of the afternoon relaxing. Ahhhhhh!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

New England's Got Nothin' On Us

We are having a magnificent Autumn. I took this picture near Al's office.

It's so neat that you don't have to go out in the country to get such wonderful color.

Bright blue skys, a setting sun and lovely yellow trees reflect on the Willamette.

Sunday, October 19, 2008


The ultra-sound left no doubt that it's a boy!

The fabulous hosts of the party.

Lots of blue presents.

On Friday afternoon, Maryanne and AJ had the ultra-sound that would tell them lots of good things about their baby, including it's sex. That evening, Jana & Lauren hosted a reveal party for all of us so we could get the news at the same time. Jana made delicious homemade pizza and bread sticks, Lauren made a wonderful salad and I brought cake. Excitement was running high when AJ and MA finally showed up. They kept us in suspense till we sat down to dinner. After a 6 to 2 vote in favor of a boy, they revealed that their first child is indeed a baby boy. YaHoo!!! After dinner & before dessert, we surprised them with baby boy gifts (all of us purchased boy and girl things just to be on the safe side). It was so much fun! I'll keep you posted as things proceed.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Just Another Day at the Office

On Frday, Al treated all of us girls in the office to a "spa day". He held down the fort while we were wisked away in style to an afternoon of pampering. Sara had an earlier appointment so she met us at there.

It was LaVerne's first ride in a limo.

Maryanne showing off her pretty toes. And no that's not a beer!

LaVerne and I enjoying our pedi. And yes that is wine!

Sara soaking before she gets all pretty in pink.

What you don't see are the massages and facials. It sort of spoils the ambience to have someone burst in and take a picture. All in all we had a grand time together. Don't we have a nice boss?

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Construction Update

Monday morning the giant back hoe took aim at the office driveway. Tuesday morning with a 15 foot hole between the area where we're allowed to park and the front door, Maryanne & I had to squeeze up against a wall and gently scoot around the heels no less! The street situation has become so challenging that when clients call, we tell them to either stay home or prepare for an obstacle course, hard hat required, or take care of business over the phone. This whole process has been an education in patience and flexibility. The good news sewers by the end of the month.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Marathon Man

The day before the race the course map was posted at the Portland Hilton.
He picked up his bib and timing chip, bought a Portland Marathon cap and we were off to meet Maryanne & her sister
Christy for an evening in the city.

14 minutes after the gun, Al reaches the start line.
The timing chip on his shoe started at that point.
The weather was warm but rainy, the 7,000+ participants
were pumped and ready to go, the bands were playing and
there was still energy enough to wave.

Mile 21 was up hill and under the Freemont Bridge.
By this time, Al was drenched to the bone and getting
pretty tired. I met him at this point for a hug and a kiss
and I'm sure that's what got him to the end. The balloon bouquets
signaled upcoming bathrooms.

Big Al surprised himself and finished faster than his goal of 7.5 hours.
His official time was 6.36. Yea Al!

As he crossed the finish line I handed him his drug of choice; a white chocolate, extra pump, 170 degree mocha from Starbucks which he downed in one swallow. The solar blanket allowed his sweaty body to cool down slowly. He was soaking wet from the 6.5 hours of rain. He was also given a baby fir tree tp plant as a reminder of his awesome accomplishment.

The gold medal winner...tired but so happy with himself. He faithfully trained for 5 months and exceeded his goal by 1.5 hours. Way to go Big Al! We are all so proud of you!

Friday, October 3, 2008

It's Pumpkin Patch Time

Bauman Farms has the best pumpkin patch in the area. There are animals to pet, toys to play on and lots of great photo ops.

Around the play area is a track with all sorts of pedal toys. Unfortunately Sarah still needs help getting around.

Al was on the other end of the teeter-totter. Yikes!

After applesauce donuts a big glass of milk hits the spot.