Sunday, January 20, 2008

Catching up with friends

This weekend Al and spent time with old and dear friends. On Friday night we met with John & Sandy VanDyk at one our favorite restaurants, Rudy's at the South Salem Golf Course. We had yummy food, wonderful conversation and loads of laughs. We stayed out way past our bedtime. Then on Saturday night after Bible Study, we met our very special friends, Debbie & Ben Espinoza, at Marie Calendar's. It's such a gift to have friends that have known you for years and love you unconditionally. Debbie & Ben are friends of the heart and even tho we don't see them often, when we are together it's just like old times.
Today is Championship Sunday which means we are watching football all day long. We'll hang out here for the San Diego/New England game and then we'll head over to Jim & Paula Newman's for the Green Bay/New York game. Chips & dips, beer & diet coke, good friends and good football. Can you think of a better way to spend a Sunday afternoon?


Jeff said...

Next time you see all of these people, give them a big Hello for me. I was in a horrible high speed crash on SR 51 today in my work truck. I'm OK but the The lady was taking away on a back board. She was alone, really speeding in the HOV (Diamond) lane when she lost control and hit the center K wall and then shot right in front of me. I had only seconds to decide where I wanted to hit her. I chose to hit her in the right rear fender and not in the door. I was not cited and DOT said I did a great job on keeping my truck in control and on it's wheels and not killing myself and others if I rolled it. Very scary!

Talk to you later
Love Guff