Saturday, November 8, 2008

Christmas Before Thanksgiving

Gingerbread House

Santa & his Elves
Ice Apples, shortbread cookies, cranberry punch and lots of pointsettias

Every year at about this time, our favorite nursery kicks off the holidays with their Festival of Lights. It all Christmas all the time. Wonderful trees and pointsettias and glorious decorations. Last night Mayanne, Al and I (AJ was too pooped to put up with stuff he doesn't & decorating) enjoyed an evening of holiday cheer. We bought a few things but nothing earth shaking. Today, it's back in to Thanksgiving mode as I go on a quest for a decorative turkey. As I have been looking for over a week without success, I've come to realize that Thanksgiving is being relegated to the little blip after Halloween and before Christmas. It's kind of sad.