Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Happy Birth Day and Birthday.

On May 14th, Maisie Claire Lee was born to my neice Sammie and her husband Austin. As you can see she is a beautiful baby. Truly. What fun to have a girl baby in the fam.

May is also the birthday month for my little pal Sarah. She turns 4 in a couple of days so I took her to Red Robin for dinner. She was thrilled to have a special dinner with a surprise treat for dessert and a couple of presents to open. There were lots of laughs and messy fingers, chocolate milk and an adult hot fudge sundae compliments of Red Robin, balloons and a whole bunch of servers singing and clapping as they celebrated Sarah. Needless to say, I dropped a very hyper 4 year old off at home...right a bedtime. HeeHee.