Sunday, January 1, 2012

Christmas 2011

We started the holidays with our dear friends Nancy & Curt Kendall

During the Christmas break, Jana and I took the kids to OMSI. They all loved the giant sandbox. Porter is in the red shirt, Finn's in blue and Maggie is in stripes.

Colorful fun

Porter loved shooting the balls up the tubes

All bundled up for the Salem/Keizer Festival of Lights parade

A typical "float"

Al and I took Finn to Magic at the Mill the week before Christmas.

Santa was ok as long as Nammie was holding Finn

Finn could have watched the train all night. He loved it!

Porter was a big help mixing the dough for our traditional Christmas cookies

Rollin' and cuttin'

Maggie in her Christmas finery

David & Jean Avison shared Christmas Eve with us and brought present for all

The last thing before bed, we put out the reindeer food

Checking out what Santa put in the stockings

AJ models his new super warm jacket

Maggie loves her new dollie

Al gets a day of slave labor from AJ

My Dad sharing his framed Lloyd family photos


Christi said...

I love this Christmas recap. It looks like the night you went to magic at the Mill was less busy than the night we went. Al's present from AJ is awesome.