Saturday, April 25, 2009

Enchanted Forest

This morning we took Sarah to Enchanted Forest for the first time. It was ridiculously cold. But we soldiered on and had a great morning. Sarah loved going down the slides, floating in the bumper boats and running along the paths. She did NOT like the 3 bears of Goldilocks fame. Papa bear growled very gruffly, "Who ate my porridge?" Fortunately, that particular experience happened toward the end of the "tour" because she worried the rest of the morning that we were going to see the bears again. However, nuggets, fries and hot chocolate diverted her enough that she could enjoy the rest of the "forest". I'd forgotten how low tech EF is, but it is a delightful place for kids and adults alike. Just go when it gets a little warmer.


Jennifer said...

I'm free this weekend for my turn. Pick me up at 10?
-Samuel Henderson