Monday, May 10, 2010

Yesterday, The Zoo Really Was.

A heads up for next year to all of you who decide to do Mother's Day at the Oregon Zoo; be prepared for rediculous crowds. The gorgeous weather and a Mother's day brunch made for a gigantic crowd. We did have a good time though, even if we didn't get to see all the exhibits. Porter loves the animals and it's a treat to be with him no matter what we're doing. When we got home, Jana and JJ had prepared a lovely meal for us; beef brisket, delicious asparagus and mashed potatoes and carrots. Al made a cake on Saturday so we enjoyed that for dessert. It was so great to be with new mom Jana and old pro mama Maryanne to celebrate the day.


Jennifer said...

Such fun Grandma Lori! I love the picture of Al below with Porter and Finn. You guys make amazing grandparents!

last but not least, where are you with all those gazing balls? I'd like one and haven't found any that color!