Sunday, October 19, 2008


The ultra-sound left no doubt that it's a boy!

The fabulous hosts of the party.

Lots of blue presents.

On Friday afternoon, Maryanne and AJ had the ultra-sound that would tell them lots of good things about their baby, including it's sex. That evening, Jana & Lauren hosted a reveal party for all of us so we could get the news at the same time. Jana made delicious homemade pizza and bread sticks, Lauren made a wonderful salad and I brought cake. Excitement was running high when AJ and MA finally showed up. They kept us in suspense till we sat down to dinner. After a 6 to 2 vote in favor of a boy, they revealed that their first child is indeed a baby boy. YaHoo!!! After dinner & before dessert, we surprised them with baby boy gifts (all of us purchased boy and girl things just to be on the safe side). It was so much fun! I'll keep you posted as things proceed.